Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tips on How to Whiten Yellow Teeth Naturally

Ways to Whiten Teeth - The natural way is the right solution for you who want to whiten teeth easily and safely, because of the way the use of herbal ingredients that have been proven to be effective. Some of the natural ingredients that you can use the orange peel, areca nuts, milk, and others. Well if you want to whiten your teeth with fruit, you can eat fruits like apples, it could be a strawberry.

In a small survey I did with some people apparently do not know why a lot of our teeth change color to yellow. Actually there are several factors that can cause this, what is it? In general, some of the factors that dominate the like smoking, consuming coffee / tea in excess, and also the lack of dental hygiene. However unisex factors that may not have been widely known.

As quoted from, turn yellow teeth can also be caused due to abnormalities of the email and the influence of the drugs you take during the formation of the email. If you consult a dental specialist you may be given several options to bleach it, one of them is by bleaching. But of course there is the examination should be undertaken to determine whether the bleaching action is needed, and if necessary, what kind of bleaching is appropriate to the condition of your teeth.

Well for those of you who do not want to spend big just to whiten teeth, you can try some health tips on how to whiten teeth naturally that I will give this time. The way the course has been proven to be safe and the result would be greatest if done routinely. What are the tips? Go see more below.

 Cara Memutihkan Gigi 

 1 Strawberry
Whiten teeth with a strawberry is one of the easiest ways for you to apply. Namely how to eat fruits on a regular basis. In addition to whiten teeth naturally the fruit is also good for your health. In addition to strawberries, you can consume raw carrots or other fruits, one of them is an apple.

2 Siwak
Siwak is the name for the root of the tree that you can use to whiten teeth. The roots can be derived from the condition that the roots of any tree should be soft, smooth, and well maintained clean. Please note, this is a way to whiten teeth that have been around since ancient times and has proven results.

3 Wearing orange peel
If you want to whiten your teeth with orange peel then the way that is simply by rubbing the inside of the orange peel directly on the white color of your teeth. Easy and simple instead :)

4 A mixture of lemon and salt
Paste made of lemon and salt may be an option to whiten teeth. How to use it is by mixing a few drops of lemon juice with a pinch of salt and stir to form a paste. After that just rub it on your teeth. But you should not apply this way too often because salt can damage the lining of your teeth.

5.-nut seeds
Although it is quite a hassle, but this method proved to be effective. The way the first fuel betel nut to be like charcoal. After that crush the beans until smooth and rub it on the teeth using cotton.

Brushing 6
The way this one would have known because it is done every day. By brushing your teeth then you will awake oral hygiene and the risk of having yellow teeth will be smaller.

Please try how to whiten teeth naturally that I have mentioned above. That way you do not need to do bleaching, so it is more secure and cost-efficient course. But you need to realize that teeth whitening is not easy, diperukan patience and routine maintenance, so it never gave ya. A few tips this time, may be useful.

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