Android has become the king of kings in the era of the mobile OS vendors phone.menyusup to various mobile marketing is the most effective technique for Google to introduce OS Androidnya.berbagai phones have infiltrated the Android OS like Samsung, Sony, HTC, Nexian, dll.inilah why android become the ruler of the universe ponsel.lain such as BB, iOS / Apple, or also Nokia with its symbian software which rely on an OS that is possessed.
In addition to infiltrating various mobile phone vendors who make the popular android, android has hundreds of thousands Aplikasi.berkisar approximately 700,000 apps available on Google Play and consists of 50,000+ developer.jumlah this application is similar to that in iTunes AppStore.Android have a new OS from on iOS is now able to shift the company Apple.Inc as users in the world.
Various applications available on Google Play spoil you to fulfill all your needs before I discuss perlukan.Jika Best Photo Applications for Android, this time I will share about the business applications to support business requirements anda.kira wonder what the heck is in need? ..
# Documents to Go
This application is like Ms.Office Phone.dengan Mobile version of this application you can edit document files, and read files PDF.atau can also create files for presentasi.tersedia (doc, excel, power point) .serta autosync with Google Doc and PC Desktop which serves to connect to the PC anda.Dengan this file, you can operate your document files via HP.
Alternative: dozens of similar apps available such as Kingsoft Office, Quick Office, Office Suite, Olive Office Premium, etc..
Kingsoft Office.aplikasi little about this free app is the best because its very lengkap.serta design resembles exactly the same application as the Ms.Office in PC.kekurangnnya is if you have a smartphone with a small internal memory and HH coincidence you've installed a lot of applications, application Kingsoft Office automatically create a file Cache.sehingga make you more internal memory berkurang.Untuk overcome this, you can outsmart a way to move files into the external memory cache.
And I prefer the application Documents to Go.karena this lightweight application, fastly, and does not take up much space (5MB in external memory) .and when viewed on Google Play, the application is still topped most categories of business applications in the use of the application lainnya.walaupun similar rate was now dropped one into a 4 rating.# Evernote
You a freelancer?, Businessman? .Use Evernote.aplikasi is most popular among the supporting application bisnis.sedikit about evernote.merupakan application application that serves to make an important record of activities anda.Dengan this application, of course, you make all kinds of vital records for anda.misalnya projects you are a photographer, designer, salesman, or the internet also marketer.include insert Voices, Document inserter, Image, Video, Snapshots, AuntoSync with Google Maps, Google Voices, Listing Products, etc..
Alternative: Springpad Evernote.pengalaman as well as the author of this app is the second difference Springpad can be operated with Evernote internet.sedangkan connection can no connection internet.karena Pinterest.Anda Springpad like social networking can connect to a variety of users all over the dunia.sehingga your Springpad more room for promotion.
# Gmail or Other Email Client
Who needs guns email client? .i Think almost all smartphone users membutuhkannya.Gmail (Google Mail) must be embedded in cell phones you.Of course you need this application in order to send the files to Client anda.Enaknya again, you can log more many Gmail accounts in one phone.
# CamScanner
The main feature of this application serves to make a PDF file, Scanning, and Fax.dan available many other features such as password protect PDF files, Sync with Google Cloud Print, Cloud services (google drive, dropbox, badongo), Sync as well with many Evernote.dan lainnya.cocok attractive feature for students, teachers, employees, and businesses.
# CamCard Business Card R
Applications made by Intsig Information is the most widely used in applications bisnis.Anda a Category name bisnisan?, Freelancer?, Employees?, Now this application is suitable for you to make Namecard (digital identification card) .tersedia diverse business card design, salespage, Manage and Synchronize cards across multi-devices with Cloud Sync, and many other interesting fiyur.
# Social Media Promotion
All had disiapkan.lalu what next? .. Yep, what does it mean promosi.tanpa promotional products that we miliki.dengan use social media, you can promote waktu.apa indefinitely just an app?
Writers tend to use TweetCaster (Twitter client), Instagram, Pinterest, Gmail (email prospects), and Forum.selebihnya Tapatalk you can adjust to the needs of each.Note: Everything I describe here is based on experience, not see a review of it-here.There who would like to add?, More or less, you can include your Suggestions and Feedback bawah.mari by commenting in our discussions with:
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