Thursday, October 16, 2014

Meet Nutrition Menu for Toddlers 2 Years for One Day

34 toddler 300x199 Menu untuk Memenuhi Nutrisi Balita 2 Tahun Selama Satu Hari (1)
Mother, confused determine the daily menu for a baby who was very active at the age of 2 years? Not to worry. Here's an example of a full food menu to meet the needs of the child for a full day.

Mother can try for the hero or his beloved princess. This menu is suitable for baby weighing 12.5 pounds.

At breakfast, the Mother can give half a piece of toast made ​​with half a teaspoon of margarine or butter. As a side dish, add one egg. If your baby does not like eggs, Mother can replace it with a half cup of cereal. To be more enjoyable to eat, Mother can add a teaspoon of jelly in cereals will be served.

31 drink juice 300x207 Menu untuk Memenuhi Nutrisi Balita 2 Tahun Selama Satu Hari (1) 

To complete nutritional breakfast, offer a half cup of fruit juice. Serve any child's favorite juice such as orange juice or tomato juice. If the baby likes watermelon juice or strawberry juice, give only one-third cup. Lastly, that should not be forgotten when breakfast is milk. After all eaten breakfast menu, Mother give enough milk for three-quarters of a cup.

Between breakfast and lunch foods Mother can provide healthy snacks. The menu could consist of four grain crackers. To better taste, add two teaspoons of cream cheese. Meanwhile, as a drink, Mother can offer up to half a cup of juice.

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At lunch, invite your child to eat a sandwich or sandwich. Simple sandwich, but on nutrition can be the Mother of a piece of wheat bread prepared. For stuffing combine a piece of bacon, one teaspoon of margarine or butter (can be replaced with two teaspoons salad dressing), and two tablespoons of dark yellow vegetables or dark green. For dessert, give the puck kukis and topped with half a cup of milk.

Late afternoon is the perfect time to eat a snack. When snack time this second Mother can give fruits such as apples and a half, one-third cup angur, or half a cup of orange juice. End the afternoon snacking occasion with half a cup of milk.

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Dinner arrived!

Mother can prepare rice, pasta, or potatoes. Food sources of carbohydrates are adequately presented as one-third cup will be added to other dishes. As a side dish, prepare two pieces of bacon cooked with a teaspoon of margarine or butter. Mother can also replace the margarine or butter with two teaspoons of salad dressing. Do not forget to add two tablespoons of vegetables. End dinner with half a cup of milk.

How is Mother? Interested in trying the menu at the top?

1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = ½ ounce = 15 ml
1 ounce = 30 ml
1 cup = 8 ounces = 240 ml

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