Sunday, October 5, 2014

How To Prolong Hair Fast and Naturally

Hair is a crown for anyone. especially women. hairstyle various tastes of each person is not the same, however long hair since the first option until now has not lost admirers. Moreover with long hair people can freely give a touch of style to their hair. Hair is sometimes difficult to treat, on this subject because often we experience either one slashed beacon, or wishes to have the desire haircut.
Is success tips to make hair grow long? Long and healthy hair is the dream of every woman. perhaps while taking a decision to cut the hair being short, you are following the current hair trends then regret it due to various reasons and expect hair was back to normal. Can grow long hair because the hair healthier so it a must to maintain a healthy scalp. Now we will share How To Prolong Hair Fast and Naturally, here's how:

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How To Prolong Hair:
How To Prolong Hair Fast and AlamiPerbanyak water consumption
Drinking 8 glasses of water one day not only for your body fitter, but also enable the majority of cells within the hair that accelerate growth. the stronger the hair within the network, fertility is also more awake.

olive oil
Since ancient times, olive oil has been recognized as a material to maintain the hair. Our ancestors did not use it just to smooth the hair, but also can add to the system with the fast development of the hair. How to use olive oil which drops 4 to 5 drops after shampooing and scalp massage. Let stand overnight so the olive oil content is absorbed in the scalp. In the morning, do not forget to clean the hair thoroughly.

heh green
Green tea is a natural ingredient for hair long because it has a high antioxidant content. Green tea can make the blood circulation to the hair so much the better from the beginning. In addition, green tea also acts quickly to encourage hair growth and healthy. Procedures that use natural way to brew green tea then applied to the entire surface of the scalp and hair. Furthermore, wrap hair using a towel for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

consumption of supplements
Taking supplements of vitamin B, especially B6 and amino acids were among the tips that can be done to stimulate hair growth quickly.

Cut ends of damaged hair
Cut ends of damaged hair regularly, especially branched hair can help add to the development of your hair. you can do hair cutting damaged by periodic with a period of 2-4 months. once. potongnlah ends of damaged hair is at least 1/2 cm.

consumption of protein
Protein helpful in meeting the nutritional needs essential for hair change. In order to grow hair fast, inadequate protein needs by eating red meat, chicken, fish, nuts, dairy products and eggs.

apple skin
Apple skin contains most of the basic vitamins to accelerate blood circulation to the scalp. when the smooth blood circulation will give a good effect on the development of long hair. Fruits rich in polyphenols can combat hair loss problems. apple skin makes hair more healthy and nutritious. Step skin care that apple puree and sprinkle on the hair. Let stand about 15 to 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

egg whites
Best effort in the long hair is to try it yourself at home. Prepare three eggs, separated, take the egg white and whisk until blended. Lulurkan to all parts of the hair with a massage, then let stand 5-10 minutes. nutrients in the egg to seep into every strand of hair making it strong, healthy and rich in vitamins. Tips are very potent nourish hair.

Combing the hair with the correctly
Another thing to be noticed is the correct way of combing your hair. When combing mistakenly cause hair easily broken or damaged. After shampooing, do not comb my hair with a comb to resemble a brush. Be sure to wear a comb like a fork with fingers rare. Once the hair has dried then stay trimmed.

Protects hair hygiene
Hair can be difficult to grow if infrequent shampooing. The shampoo contains the necessary nutrients so fast hair grows. In addition, free from dirt invisible on the hair and scalp so that hair looks clean. moisture so that the hair will be maintained, it is recommended to wash at least 2 days.

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