Sunday, October 5, 2014

best ptc sites list

PTC stands for Paid To Click . A term of service on the internet which pays its members for every click on a particular page and wait for a few seconds to see the ad . Simply do a ' clack - click' alone , Companions will be paid !
How can ?
The logic is like this . Companies advertise on PTC sites , then the company is paying PTC sites , PTC sites pay and Companions ( as members ) .
To be able to receive payments from the PTC , we must have a bank account for PTC Indonesia and Bank Indonesia on the internet for PTC Virtual beyond . Virtual bank in question is Paypal , Alertpay or Liberty Reserve .

Join Yukz ....
Dollar set Trusted PTC
PTC PTC is a dollar that will pay Friends of the dollar for each click on an ad . Process payment ( payout ) must be through PayPal , so friend must have a PayPal account before applying to PTC . For those who do not have a Paypal account , register HERE yuk ...

The following list of PTC Dollars which could Companions follow :





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